Longing for a Transformation-Part 2

This is part 2 of the blog I wrote regarding my weight loss.  I realize that it was a bit long, so I decided to break it in half rather than cut something out since I believe each point is important.  In case you haven’t read Longing for a Transformation part 1, you can read it here.  The following are suggestions to help a person get on with their weight loss journey successfully. These tips will help you to be more successful and also will help to keep the weight off. 

1)Journal your foods.  You should plan your meals ever day.  This will help you to stay on top of what you need in your pantry.  A daily food plan will make you less susceptible to engage in the wrong types of food. 

2)Exercise regularly.  I personally love the water aerobics class at my  gym.  When I’m done with exercising, I sit in the sauna for about 10 minutes. This I do 3 times a week, and it makes me feel absolutely delicious.  It does not matter what type of exercise you do, but try to make exercise a routine part of your weight loss plan.  Exercise will make your body stronger and will speed up your weight loss efforts.  It is also good for toning up the muscles.

3)Lose weight with a buddy.  A buddy has great benefits.  A buddy will  help to keep you motivated.  Buddies will cheer on each other, and will provide  encouragement and support for each other. You should call your buddy every day, and exercise with your buddy whenever possible.

4)Rethink your food plan.   Don’t think of your food plan as a diet.  Think of it as a life style change.  In order for you to keep the weight off, it is important that you consider your diet as a life style change; just as it should be.  A life style change will eventually provide a difference in the way you react to foods in general.  This of course will help you to maintain your weight loss as well.

5)Remember to take life one day at a time.  Don’t look at how much weight you have to lose.  Instead, focus on each day one at a time; it will be so much easier for you that way.  You can do what I do sometimes.   Give yourself little challenges to help you to get through the end of the day successfully.  

6) Do something useful. Involve yourself in something that will benefit someone else.  When you put your resources into helping others, your days will move along smoother and faster. I’m sure there are loads of charitable events that will love your time and attention.  It should be something that you care enough about to work at it passionately.  Hopefully this will also help to take your mind off of your problem with food by focusing more on providing help to a needy cause.      

I’m sure you can come up with even more techniques to help with your weight loss.   In my case, I wrote motivational poetry for myself, and eventually published it in a book.  My writing helped me to conform to my new eating habits and added to my weight loss success.   I still use that technique to this day. 

Wishing you much success with your weight loss journey.

Healthy trails to you
