Instill These Four Lifestyle Changes and Forget Diabetes

                                                                    DIABETIC TESTER

Source: author- florixc, it.wikipedia Gnu 1.2

Do you have a loved one or a friend with diabetes?  Or is diabetes a disease that many of your family members are battling?  Then I encourage you to continue reading.

Diabetes is the seventh disease killer of Americans. It is also the leading cause of death due to heart attacks and strokes. A Study was done by the National Institute of Diabetes in 2010. It showed that there are 79 million adults in the U.S. who are diagnosed with pre-diabetes. The good news is that type two diabetes, (adult onset) can most likely be prevented.

As many of you already know, when a person develops diabetes, the body stops making enough insulin to convert the sugar (glucose) into a source of energy.  Because of this, the body ends up with far too much sugar that it is unable to convert.  As a result, multiple complications can develop which has the potential to dramatically change a person’s physical health. Some of the complications include; visual impairment, vascular and heart disease, and renal failure.

These diseases have an horrific effect on any individual. In the event of kidney failure, dialysis will be required; most times it will be 3 times per week. Vascular disease can lead to amputations, and heart disease can cause a heart attack. The eyes may not only become visually impaired, but may develop complete blindness.

Now despite all of that gloom and doom, there is still some good news I’d like to report.  In many cases, You can guard yourself from ever becoming inflicted with diabetes in the first place.  All you have to do to protect yourself is to act upon these four important lifestyle changes.

1)Eat a Well Balanced Diet Every Day

Your diet should include a variety of:

Wholegrain foods like pastas and breads. They not only have a better nutritional value, but they tend to keep you feeling full longer. Be careful to watch the carbohydrate count.

fiber foods.  They help to balance the carbs you eat and they also have a great filling effect. Some of the best fiber foods are:

Berries, Avocados, Lentils and black beans, and  Broccoli

2) Don’t Smoke – Tobacco by itself has a lot of possible health hazards. It increases the risk of lung and mouth cancer, and seriously damages the respiratory system. It can also cause high blood pressure, and causes babies to be born prematurity with medical complications. Smoking in relation to diabetes constricts the blood vessels in the hands and feet, which causes swelling, dryness, and eventual ulceration. Ulcers may eventually lead to Amputation. So the best thing to do is not to smoke.   Of course, this is easier said than done.  If you are a smoker, you should start to dramatically cut down so you can eventually stop smoking. Many people find it difficult to stop. Anyone with difficulty should consider using the nicotine patches. The patches should help in the weaning process from the smoking habit.

3) Increase Your Activity Level- Activity is essential for all of us. We need physical activity in our lives every day to keep our bodies functioning and healthy. Regular exercise is a great component that helps to keep the blood sugar level within normal limits.

4) Keep weight within the normal limits- Perhaps the best benefit of exercise is weight loss, and or maintenance. If we can keep our weight within normal limits, the chances for developing diabetes will be seriously diminished. Usually, the older a person gets, the less active that person becomes. So an increase in body weight will naturally develop due to the decrease in activity. But there are many people who are naturally overweight because of making poor dietary choices. This is a sure precursor to type two diabetes.  Weight loss can be difficult but it is obviously worth the effort.

So for a lifestyle change that would help prevent diabetes in the future, remember these four things. Eat three nutritious meals every day, including snacks; no smoking, increase your physical activity, and maintain your body’s weight within its normal weight range.

Healthy trails to you





28 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Katie
    Nov 04, 2012 @ 21:28:33

    Fabulous post! Great info as preventing it is easier than treating it.


  2. souldipper
    Nov 05, 2012 @ 06:14:21

    Maybe if people hear it often enough from as many different sources as possible! Thanks, Carolyn. I have two close people with diabetes and a 3rd likely one who is waiting for the diagnosis. Deny and defy seems to be their motto.


    • thehealthywarrior
      Nov 05, 2012 @ 09:10:01

      Hi Amy. Your friend who is probably a pre diabetic, should follow the 4 meassures that I listed in the post. Some things we read we may not take very serously, but I happen to know that there is real truth in what I’ve written in this post. I had type 2 diabetes for many years; but when I decided to make a lifestyle change and do the things I listed in this post, (with the exception of smoking…I don’t smoke) suddenly one day it seemed that my diabetes had disappeared. The medication I had been taking for diabetes for years, began to make me sick. I was given a smaller dose and that made me sick too. Once I had to call the emergency medical service (911) because my blood sugar had dropped extremely low. I was too sick and weak to do anything to help myself. My fasting blood sugars changed to being anywhere from in the 80s to a little over 100…all within normal limits. That was about 5 years ago and I am still free of diabetes.


      • souldipper
        Nov 05, 2012 @ 18:37:17

        My little island is home to very health conscious people. I do know that your steps are vital to keeping diabetes away. However, the people who have succumbed are those who will not be disciplined. Interestingly, they don’t live on the island. They’d probably feel a pressure to take responsibility for their health instead of having the attitude that they can do whatever they want to their bodies and let medicine fix it.

        You really do have a powerful message, Carolyn.

    • thehealthywarrior
      Nov 06, 2012 @ 04:52:38

      It is good that the people on your Island are living healthier. You make a great point that a person has to take responsibility for their bodies. And I agree that discipline is therefore a must. Without it, defeat is almost a sure fate and the dreaded disease will eventually ravish the body.


  3. beverley
    Nov 05, 2012 @ 08:04:08

    Nice to see you writing. Fortunately it is something as an extended family that we don’t seem to be bothered with. Unfortunately we are plagued with heart disease and women’s cancers.


    • thehealthywarrior
      Nov 05, 2012 @ 09:18:33

      Hi Beverley. Thanks for coming by. Sorry to learn about your family’s halth issue of heart disese and women’s cancer. I feel confident that if you make the lifestyle change I’ve talked about in this post, it will apply to heart disease and certain cancers too. When we are doing right by our bodies, we normaly will live a very healthy life for a long time.


  4. on thehomefrontandbeyond
    Nov 05, 2012 @ 20:56:11

    ny husband is diabetic and you scared me to death–although he is active and eats a good diet (most of the time), his weight is good and his numbers have been pretty good for a long time


    • thehealthywarrior
      Nov 06, 2012 @ 04:59:21

      Your husband seem to be doing everything right. He is eating correctly, he exercises, and his blood sugar level is good. As long as he does not smoke, and his weight is in within normal limits, he is in a good position of reversing the diabetes over time. But he must remain disciplined and consistent.


      • on thehomefrontandbeyond
        Nov 06, 2012 @ 08:09:23

        he does not smoke and is a really good weight–he was never super heavy, but now he is svelte–and you are right-it can be reversed–he does have a nasty sweet tooth so we try to not have much around that will sway him

  5. newsofthetimes
    Nov 05, 2012 @ 23:06:31

    Great post. Such an important message.


    • thehealthywarrior
      Nov 06, 2012 @ 05:03:50

      Hi Jeni. Thanks for stopping by. Since so many people suffer with diabetes, I thought this would be a topic of interest for many. Hope you and your family will never be afflicted with this disease.


  6. coachdougbowers
    Nov 08, 2012 @ 14:47:32

    Hey! Thanks for popping by my silly little blog. Nice to have you around. ( I need stability!) Diabetes? Great post and information. I have several family members battling with that. The ones winning the battle are basically following your advice. They also take chromium and vanadium supplements. Put cinnamon in their coffee ( which they drink sparingly) and they went on a raw food diet for 3 months. The improvements were absolutely amazing! My brother-in-law has gone off all meds and lost 45 lbs. No daily shots – nothing.
    Thanks for spreading the good word. People need to know.


    • thehealthywarrior
      Nov 10, 2012 @ 00:44:47

      Hi Doug. So nice of you to come back and add a comment. You seem to be well versed on the subject of diabetes. I’ve heard of using the chromium and the cinnamon to help stabalize the blood sugar, but I confess I never heard of using the vanadium supplement before now. I have a lot of smart followers and I am happy to add you to the list. 🙂


      • coachdougbowers
        Nov 10, 2012 @ 13:56:35

        Hi again. I’m the last of 15 kids. That makes for a HUGE extended family from all walks of life. I’ve got Thai, Scottish, Jamaican, Russian, French, Italian and a few other nationalities as in-laws and cousins etc. That’s fantastic in itself, but unfortunately not a lot of them take care of themselves and I’ve learned a lot from first hand experience with diseases. From Lupus to cancer to diabetes. I try to watch and learn and pass on the information I see that works.

    • thehealthywarrior
      Nov 11, 2012 @ 18:44:54

      My goodness Doug! You have quite the unusual family. My mom and dad had 7 children, and I thought we were a big family. 🙂 I suppose that would certainly make you prevy to knowledgable about certain diseases that’s out there. It’is always better to know what’s good or bad for your health than not.
      Be well.


      • coachdougbowers
        Nov 11, 2012 @ 19:31:26

        As a real shocker…we we only the 4th largest family in town.Three other families…same mom, same dad..had 18 kids, 24 and 26 kids. No – I’m not kidding! Times were tough back then!

    • thehealthywarrior
      Nov 11, 2012 @ 21:31:41

      Well!! You’ve made my day! Never heard of such a thing before. Years ago, I new of a couple in my old neighborhood who ended up having 13 children…and that was something we thought was amazing…LOL. But 18, 24, and 26 kids? That’s truly amazing. 🙂


  7. maggiemyklebust
    Nov 11, 2012 @ 16:19:26

    My sister is a diabetic, I’m going to pass this post on to her 🙂


    • thehealthywarrior
      Nov 11, 2012 @ 18:35:13

      Hi Maggie. I hope your sister is at least managing her diabetes well. But if she has type two diabetes, there is a very high chance that she can get rid of the disease forever….if she is disciplined enough.


      • maggiemyklebust
        Nov 11, 2012 @ 18:53:01

        She has type 2 and she doesn’t manage it well. She doesn’t exercise or eat properly. She recently got an insulin pump. But that doesn’t give her a free pass…

    • thehealthywarrior
      Nov 11, 2012 @ 21:38:33

      The insulin pump is going to require a lot of work. She will have to program her pump for breakfast lunch and dinner…and I believe evevn at night before sleep. If she is not disciplined now, she will have to get disciplined soon or else give up the pump.


    • thehealthywarriorthehealthywarrior
      Nov 12, 2012 @ 14:55:33

      I’m sorry about your sister’s depression Maggie. I think if she can get a grip on her depression she will be able to handle the diabetes situation much more effectively.


  8. Louise G.
    Nov 12, 2012 @ 14:15:23

    So ture — prevention is the healthiest choice. Great post Carolyn.


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